What's a 50+ year old bird band doing on an Eastsound beach?

Bird band found on Eastsound beach in 2014

Bird band found on Eastsound beach in 2014

A few weeks back our friend Trey Vore showed up at the SeaDoc office with a metal bird band he'd found on the beach in Eastsound.

The band read "Advise Wildlife Service. Write Washington DC USA." And it had a number on it.

(Oddly enough, though, no web address...)

Joe Gaydos knows just what to do with this kind of thing, and he reported the band on the US Geological Survey website.


Turns out the band had been put on a California Gull at some location south of a town called Williams, Montana in 1961.

Williams, MT, is east of the rockies

Williams, MT, is east of the rockies

We're not suggesting the gull lived 50 years, but it does seem likely that it flew from Montana to the shores of Eastsound, where it eventually died.

Keep a lookout on the beach. You never know what you'll find...